1) Do you like to drink beer?
2) Do you like the idea of always being the first event finished at competitions? Thus giving you much more time to drink?
3) Do you mind receiving less prize money, less notoriety, and less income opportunities than your singles counterparts?
4) Do you believe carrying a 100 lb. female over your head at the 4:10 mark of your long program is cool?
5) Do you mind getting hit in the face and explaining to all your friends how a 5'0 tall, 16 year old girl gave you a black eye?
6) Do you like the prospect of perhaps having to leave your home and friends just to train for a silly sport that makes you look like a fairy?
7) Can you deal with judges that can't even name all of your elements?
8) Do you think that dancers look stupid?
9) Can you drink hard liquor?
10) Do you like the thought of only having one jump in your short program? |